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Candidate Application

Application Fee—None; Annual Dues—None

Candidates of the Pennsylvania Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons must be actively enrolled in an accredited or approved residency program in general surgery, surgical oncology or colon and rectal surgery. A person who is enrolled as a research fellow in an accredited or approved residency program may also qualify as a Candidate member. This membership category is renewable annually contingent upon the Candidate member's continued enrollment in a residency program as verified by the program director.  

    Member Application

    Application Fee—None; Annual Dues—$200

    Members of the Pennsylvania Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons are required to have graduated from a medical school accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME), an accredited school of osteopathy or an accredited foreign medical institution. Members must be fully trained in general surgery and have completed an accredited general surgery residency or training in an accredited foreign medical institution that qualifies the applicant to practice general surgery in his or her country of residence. 

      Fellow Application

      Application Fee—$100 (One-time fee); Annual Dues—$200

      Fellows of the Pennsylvania Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons are required to meet all criteria for Members as attested by two letters of recommendation from current Fellows of PASCRS. Applicants must have served a minimum of two (2) years as an PASCRS Member and be certified, and maintain such certification, by the American Board of Colon and Rectal Surgery. Applicants must have specialized in the practice of colon and rectal surgery for a least two (2) years immediately preceding applying for Fellow status. 

      Honorary Fellow

      Any Fellow who is 65 years of age or more, or who has retired, and has been a Fellow for at least ten years, or a physician who has contributed to the advancement of Colon and Rectal surgery as deemed eligible by the Executive Council, may be nominated for Honorary Fellow membership by the Executive Council. An Honorary Fellow shall have the right to vote and hold office in the Society, may be appointed to serve on committees may appear on scientific programs of the Society, and may participate in discussions on scientific papers. Honorary Fellows are not be required to pay dues.

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      About PASCRS

      Colon and Rectal Surgery Professional Society


      Danica Giugliano, MD

      PASCRS Secretary


      Copyright © 2022 Pennsylvania Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons
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